Singapore Cardiac Society 35th Annual Scientific Meeting

Exercise Prescription Course


Exercise Prescription Course for Medical Doctor

Jointly organised by Singapore Cardiac Society (SCS) and Exercise is Medicine ® Singapore (EIMS)

April 27, 2024 @ 08:00 – 17:30.
Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel

Please contact for Exercise Prescription Course for Medical Doctor registration.

Session Information

The Exercise Prescription Course for Primary Care Physicians is designed to provide physicians with the skills to effectively and confidently prescribe exercise for their patients, within the time constraints that every busy practitioner faces.

The course is developed based on the principle that regular participation in physical activity is integral in the prevention and treatment of diseases and should therefore be regularly assessed as part of all medical care. The course will cover the bolts and nuts of exercise prescription for healthy individuals as well as patients with chronic health conditions.

The course content is largely based on clinical evidence established by contemporary research work and the Exercise Is Medicine (EIM) chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).

Doctors who successfully complete the course will be certified by Exercise Is Medicine Singapore (EIMS) Advisory Board.

Target Audience

Primary care physicians and physicians regardless of specialty who wish to prescribe exercise for their patients.

Workshop Capacity

30 Delegates

Course Fees

SGD 380 (SCS Members & Non-Members)

The course fee is inclusive of full registration to the meeting, course materials and tea break.

Course Programme (subject to change)

Time Topic
07:00 – 08:00
Registration Opens (Grand Ballroom Foyer, Level 4)
All participants to be seated at the session room (Paradiso Room, Level 3)
by 07:45.
08:00 – 10:15
Introduction to Exercise Prescription and Benefits of Exercise
Physical Activity Assessment (PAVS)
Pre-participation Screening / Risk Assessment
Pre-participation Screening Practicum
10:15 – 10:30
10:30 – 12:15
Principles of Exercise Prescription
Exercise in Hypertension
Pre-participation ECG Interpretation and Exercise in Cardiac Disease
12:15 – 13:00
Lunch Break
13:00 – 15:00
Exercise Practicum
Exercise in Diabesity & Hyperlipidemia
Exercise Prescription Practicum
15:00 – 15:15
Short Break
15:15 – 18:00
Exercise in Arthritis and Osteoporosis
Exercise in Asthma & Depression
Written Assessment and Wrap Up

Course Faculty

Dr Ng Chung Sien

Dr Ng Chung Sien

Senior Staff Physician

Sports and Exercise Medicine
Changi General Hospital

Dr Benji Lim Yaozong

Dr Benji Lim Yaozong

Senior Consultant

Changi General Hospital

Dr Victor Tan Aik Khien

Dr Victor Tan Aik Khien

Associate Consultant

Sports and Exercise Medicine
Changi General Hospital

Ms. Joanne Gao

Ms. Joanne Gao

Exercise Physiologist and Member of EIMS Advisory Board