Singapore Cardiac Society 35th Annual Scientific Meeting


About the SCS

The Singapore Cardiac Society was started in 1958 by a group of specialists with special interest in Cardiology working at Outram Road General Hospital. Pioneering physicians like Professors Dhanaraj, E.S. Monterio, Ernest Steven, Sir Gordon Arthur Ransome, Wong Hee Ong, Yong Nen Kiong and Charles Toh started regular clinical sessions to manage patients with cardiac diseases. The membership subsequently expanded rapidly with the addition of Drs MB Ghosh, Loh Tee Fun; and Teo Hoon Chow who had interest in the field of Pediatric Cardiology. Drs Yong Nen Kiong and Tan Ngoh Chuan joined the group in 1960 and added Cardiothoracic surgery to the group. 

The Singapore Cardiac Society has made great strides in developing the practice of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery in Singapore. With more Cardiologists, Cardiac Surgeons, Anesthetists and Researchers from both private and institutional practice joining the Society every year, the Society looks forward to realizing the dreams of its founders in maintaining a high level of cardiac care for Singaporeans. 

2023 Council