Singapore Cardiac Society 35th Annual Scientific Meeting

Membership Information


Ordinary Members

Accredited Cardiologists and Cardiovascular Surgeons. Anaesthetists. Radiologists, Pharmacologists and Pathologists

Associate Members

Including medical practitioners who hold a registrable qualification, trainees in Cardiology and Cardiovascular surgery, etc.

Corresponding Members

Includes specialists in Cardiovascular Medicine who are currently residing outside of Singapore (who have close Society links)

Corporate Members

Includes any pharmaceutical, medical and surgical equipment companies that have an interest in the area of Cardiovascular Medicine


APFSSH is formed for the purpose of promoting the practice of hand surgery and coordinating the activities of the various societies for surgery of the hand in the Asia-Pacific region. Its main purposes shall be:

  • to maintain liaison and communication between the various societies,
  • to promote the free exchange of knowledge amongst constituent societies,
  • to enhance the opportunity of hand surgery training through friendly exchange programs,
  • to disseminate knowledge through publications,
  • to enhance teaching by organizing scientific meetings and regional instructional courses.

Amendments to the Charter, adopted in 1995, were accepted in August 2000 at the 4th Council Meeting in Chennai.